Have you experienced waking up from a dream? It happened to me twice this week and it's creeeeppyyyy. I think the reason why it happens is because of the dream itself. Maybe I don't like what I'm dreaming so I force myself to wake up (in the middle of the night. really!?) but then I'll have trouble going back to sleep. Last night I dreamt about ZOMBIES but I wasn't about to be eaten when I woke up, we were safe because there was this WITCH and she created a barrier so that the zombies won't be able to get to us. (wow!) 'Weird things happen. Dreams happen. Therefore, dreams are weird things.' Sorry, that argument is invalid but it's true though. Dreams are weird. BTW, every time I watch horror/suspense/thriller movies, I get paranoid and start imagining scary things. So that's probably another reason why I dream about weird things and suddenly wake up in the middle of the night. ^-^